Tuesday, 6 November 2012

GOAL SETTING - How to make your vision a reality.

Many of us do some form of goal setting just before or at the start of a new year, month or even week. It is high time when we reflect how far we have progresses and what to do next

What's a goal?
- its an object of ambition or effort or destination.
- it is an aim or desired result.

It is very important for us to have goals for every actions or endeavours. However, goal setting should not merely be short term targets or with a one-year time frame. Infact, goals should be set based on the vision of what you want to achieve in life. When you have a vision, you'll know what directions you have to take and when you know that, making decisions will be a whole lot easier. When you are guided by it, when you have a vision, you'll feell motivated to make your dream a reality.

Goal setting is a "what" statement (that is; "what am I going to do to achieve this?, what do I say to convience this people?, what elements do I put together to create this?"). It is not a "why" statement. However, if you know the purpose, the purpose forms your vision, then you can now break down your goals into action oriented daily, weekly, monthly or yearly tasks.

1. Clarity and lack of ambiguity- Clarity means clearness and ambiguity means obscure or double minded or meaning. Visions should be clear and be specific, not double monded. This is the first quality of a vision statement. It must possess the quality of clarity and lack that of ambiguity.

2. Vivid and clear picture- Your vision must be clear and always vivd in your mind. Luke 6:45 (ESV), " the good preson, out of the good treasure of his heart produces good and the evil person, out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundace of the heart, his mouth speaks".
Try to catch a glimpse of what you want.

3. Written- Internalize and then write your vision down on a piece of paper, book or diary where you can clearly see it every day. It could be on your notepad, laptop.
Writing down your visions or resolutions might seem absurd but works a whole lots of time. Put things you want to achieve as written down daily, weekly , monthly or even yearly goals in order of priority. Habakkuk2:2-3 (ESV), "And the Lord answered me, write the vision, make it plain on the tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits it appointed time; it hastens to the end. It will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay."

At times you may feel dainted by your lack of progress or feel disheartened by the obstacles that are thrown in your path. Hence it is important you donot lose sight of your vision, if others can succeed inspite of all difficulties, so you can.

Stop the mentality of "whatever the year brings we take or what ever the day, week or month brings we take, as the case might be". Start opening up your mind to the possibilties of what maybe possible. A writer (mna tolefrace) wrote, "To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe".
It is better to create a future you love that to endure the one you do not like. It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Look beyond, set a goal, create a vision.

You may not be able to come up with one in an instant but keep trying. Creating a vision requires careful thought, personal insights and you will also need to engage the Holy Spirit for some answere through prayers; then when you have decided on a vision or visions that inspired you, go for it with all your heart, soul , mind and always put GOD first.


God bless you.
Tina O. Abayomi

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